Catawba Wateree Water Management Group 2015 Annual Report

WATER FOR ALL 2020The Real Cost of Water

Gastonia, NC tint.png February 13, 2020

Michelle Lancaster

Michelle Lancaster Deputy County Manager, Union County

Yadkin Regional Water Supply & Catawba River Water Supply Project

Joe Albright

Joe Albright Public Utilities Director, Two Rivers Utilities/City of Gastonia

Keynote Howard Neukrug


Mr. Neukrug is the Professor of Practices in Water Leadership and Innovation at the University of Pennsylvania and the founder and director of the University's "Water Center at Penn". He has 40 years of experience in the water industry, most recent as Commissioner and CEO of Philadelphia Water. He is a national expert and advisor to cities, water utilities and regulators on topics of integrated urban water systems, green infrastructure, advanced technologies, water science and policy/regulations, and in the financing and operations of utilities. His key area of research interests involves the role water systems play in the creation of sustainable and resilient cities and regions, public health and watershed protection. Mr. Neukrug is the founder of Philadelphia's Office of Watersheds and the creator its award-winning Green Cities, Clean Waters program. Mr. Neukrug is also a co-founder of the US Water Alliance, the Schuylkill Action Network, the AWWA Water Utility Council, and the Leading Utility of World CEO Network, as well as other non-profit organizations. He is a Professional Engineer, a past member of the US National Drinking Water Advisory Council, a board member of the Fund for the Fairmount Water Works, and Senior Advisor to the Global Water Leaders Group. He is also principal of CASE Environmental LLC, which provides advice to cities, water utilities and private companies on all things water. At Penn, Professor Neukrug teaches courses concerning the future of the global water industry, urban resiliency and sustainability, and integrated systems management.

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Doug Carter

Doug Carter President and Managing Director DEC Associates, Inc.

Shadi Eskaf

Shadi Eskaf Research Director, Environmental Finance Center, UNC School of Government

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