To identify, fund, and manage projects that will help preserve, extend, and enhance the capabilities of the Catawba-Wateree River Basin to provide water resources for human needs while maintaining the ecological integrity of the waterway.
A key driver for the communities that comprise the Catawba-Wateree Water Management Group is the recognition that if we keep dealing with water in the same manner we have historically, we will not be able to meet anticipated needs. Realizing this fact led to the formation of the CWWMG with the mission of addressing the needs of the Catawba-Wateree Basin. Incorporated in late 2007, this 501(c)(3) non-profit group came out of the three and one-half year stakeholder process associated with Duke Energy’s re-licensing of the Catawba-Wateree Hydro Project, part of a Comprehensive Re-licensing Agreement (CRA) that defines how the Basin will be managed for the next 40 to 50 years.
The CWWMG is funded by dues from voluntary members representing Duke Energy and the large water suppliers that use storage in the eleven lake Catawba-Wateree Project system.
We track every dollar raised through membership dues and show how the projects help preserve and protect our river.
We proactively plan for and implement project benefitting our entire Basin.
Our member organizations manage the water you need every day. The CWWMG has 18 members; one member representing each of the 17 public water utilities in North and South Carolina which operate water intakes on either a reservoir in the Catawba-Wateree Hydroelectric Project or on the main stem of the river, and one member representing Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC (Duke Energy). CWWMG members meet regularly to formulate strategies and projects to help understand and address the Basin’s water challenges.
The CWWMG conducts a self-assessment every five years, as required by the bylaws, to ensure continued regional value and increase the group’s effectiveness. We've just completed our third self-assessment, read about it here: 2023 Study. The previous assessments and recommendations can be found here 2018 Study and here 2013 Study.
Our bylaws provide the foundation on which we operate. Our bylaws can be viewed here.
Jimmy Bagley, PE
City of Rock Hill, SCVice Chair
Jeff Lineberger, PE
Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC Secretary/Treasurer
Ron Hargrove
City of Charlotte, NC SC At-Large Director
Brad Bucy, PE
Lancaster County Water & Sewer District, SCNC At-Large Director
Allison Kraft, PE
Town of Mooresville, NC
The purpose of the Advisory Committee is to hear about plans and activities of the CWWMG and to provide feedback as individuals from an external perspective to the officers and members about general direction, governance, strategy, planning and other aspects supportive of the CWWMG’s mission. As the committee is strictly advisory in nature, none of the members are asked to commit or speak on behalf of their respective organizations or employers, but to provide a unique perspective when appropriate. Click here to view the Advisory Committee Charter.
Cal Sawyer, Clemson UniversityRecreation
Tim Gestwicki, NC Wildlife FederationLocal Government
OpenEconomic Development
Robert Long, Chester County Economic DevelopmentRegulatory/State Government
OpenResidential Landowner of Project or River Frontage
Shirley Greene, Fairfield County CouncilEnvironment
Vicki Taylor, Catawba-Wateree InitiativeIndustrial or Business Interest
Wesley Wightman, Apple Infrastructure ServicesAgricultural or Forestry
Mitch Peele/Keith Larick, NC Farm Bureau