Small leaks in our water system or meter inaccuracies may not seem important individually, but when multiplied across 19 systems and approximately 550,000 service connections, small leaks quickly adds up. To achieve long-term, regional water use efficiency improvements, CWWMG developed a multi-phase Basin-wide Water Loss Management Program. We are the only river basin in the country whose utilities are undertaking a collaborative water audit process that identifies real (leaks) and apparent (meter inaccuracy) water losses and proposes utility-specific recommendations. Detailed water loss profiles and statistical analysis have have been developed for each CWWMG member. The total water savings identified is 17 billion gallons of non-revenue water a year with a long-term cost benefit for water utilities of $16.8 million in revenue.
This multiphase project includes conducting economic analyses and identifying target goals for each member and the CWWMG as a whole.